Google Interview Warmup can help prepare for your next job
As a young adult preparing for your first job interview, you may be feeling nervous and overwhelmed. That’s perfectly normal! But don’t worry, there are tools available to help you prepare and feel more confident.
One such tool is Google Interview Warmup. The free, online tool allows you to practice answering common interview questions. It’s a great way to get comfortable with the interview process and identify any areas where you need to improve.
How it works
TikToker @ainlovescode outlines the main functions of Google Interview Warmup.
The interview tool features a library of over 1,000 common interview questions, from behavioral questions to technical questions. You can filter the questions by topic, role, and difficulty level, thus simulating a real interview scenario by asking common interview questions and providing feedback on the answers.

Perhaps what really stands out here is that you can choose to answer the questions either by text – where you type out your responses – or with voice, which gets transcribed automatically.

Within each category, you can either answer from 5 randomly selected questions, or look at the entire question bank for specific questions that you want to practice with.
AI Powered Review
As you answer the questions, Google Interview Warmup provides you with real-time feedback on your answers. This feedback includes things like your use of keywords, the structure of your answers, and your overall speaking style.

After you’ve finished answering a question, Google Interview Warmup provides you with insights into your performance. This includes things like the amount of time you spent talking, the number of filler words used, and the topics covered.
Perhaps the most useful feature is that it suggests keywords for you to pepper into the answers, while also properly answering the questions.
Google Interview Warmup offers questions specific for six industries: data analytics, e-commerce, IT support, project management, UX design, and cybersecurity, along with more general questions that are applicable for most other job roles.
Using Google Interview Warmup for your job interviews
While Google Interview Warmup is a great way to get comfortable with the interview process and identify any areas where you need to improve, it does come with limitations.
For one, the database’s questions and replies tend to be pretty general, and don’t directly address your specific skills and experience.
So, the next time you use Google Interview Warmup, keep in mind that it is designed as a starting point for interviewees, and is the most useful when supplemented with other preparation methods!
Check out the Google Interview Warmup here.
Featured image via @ainlovescode and Google Interview Warmup